Best Places to Sell Icons Online
I am a developer by trade but I design and sell vector icons for websites and apps to supplement my income. Icon design is also my favorite hobby. I do not devote myself to icon sales full-time but I was the Supply-side Manager and a Sr. Developer for Iconfinder, a marketplace for buying and selling premium icons, for 3 years. I have devoted a huge portion of my life for the past 7 years to learning everything I can about icon design, who the most talented icon designers are, and knowing the icon market inside and out. I encounter the question, “Where are the best places to sell (or buy) icons”? This post gives the details about the top marketplaces from a seller’s standpoint.
Choose the Best Online Marketplace to Sell Icons
In a previous post, I listed my favorite marketplaces for selling vector icons. There are a lot of similarities between the various markets for selling icons, but there are also some significant differences to consider. In this post I outline some important questions to consider when deciding where to sell your vector icons.
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